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Everything You Need to Know About Mobile SEO for 2017 & 2018

Posted By: Zelick Gimelstein

Everything You Need to Know About Mobile SEO for 2017 & 2018

Mobile devices are now the most popular way people use the internet.

That’s not exactly new news in 2017. Mobile usage surpassed desktop for the first time in October of 2016, and it hasn’t shown any signs of slowing down. Over 50% of time on all digital devices is now spent on mobile, compared to only 42% of time on desktop. About 60% of all U.S. searches occur on mobile devices.

Those numbers represent huge portions of your target markets.…

The Local Search Ranking Factors That Really Matter in 2017

Posted By: Zelick Gimelstein

The Local Search Ranking Factors That Really Matter in 2017

If you have a business with a physical address – or want an audience in a specific geographic area – you may already know how important it is to ensure locals can find you in their search results.

When someone is seeking out a lawyer, therapist, lawn company, restaurant, and so on, chances are good they’re not going to want a business two states over – or even two cities over. They want to search locally.…

Your Guide to Better Local SEO Results

Posted By: Zelick Gimelstein
Category: Local SEO

Your Guide to the Changing Landscape of Local SEO

You know that mobile has changed the game where search ranking is concerned. That more and more people use their phones and other devices to find nearby businesses. That being able to show up in local results matters – a lot.

What you might not realize is that just about every business knows that now. A few years ago, an “optimized” local SEO strategy largely meant tackling a few basic tasks, like creating local landing pages and ensuring your business was represented on as many directory services as possible.…

Why Businesses with WordPress Sites Should Consider WP Engine (A Totally Biased Review)

Posted By: Zelick Gimelstein

Why Businesses with WordPress Sites Should Consider WP Engine (A Totally Biased Review)

If you have a business, you need a website – that’s just the way it is these days.

Most business owners who are serious about their online presence will hire a company experienced in creative and functional website design & development. But, it’s so important to understand that a really awesome website goes beyond how it looks and functions on the front-end.

The back-end of your website – the place where you, the business-owner can add, edit, and manipulate content – requires just as much attention.…

The Starter Guide to Technical SEO

Posted By: Zelick Gimelstein

The Starter Guide to Technical SEO

A lot of business and website owners balk at the words “technical SEO.” To many people, “technical” suggests a concept that is inherently difficult to understand, while SEO in general can seem confusing if you don’t have a background in web design or marketing.

The term itself is intimidating, but the meaning is straightforward. Technical SEO is basically the behind-the-scenes stuff that helps search engines—primarily Google—find and index your site. In other words, it’s all the SEO you do for your site, minus the actual content.…

White Rabbit Marketing

At White Rabbit, we bring your company values and mission to life with innovative and groundbreaking strategies. We understand that no single solution will usher your brand to the front of the competition, but rather, that you have to use a combination of the latest strategies, practices, and techniques. White Rabbit Marketing equips businesses with effective and creative SEO / inbound marketing strategies, designing campaigns that combine search engine optimization, web design, content creation, social media, and branding optimization. Our team of designers, developers, and optimizers employ the latest design and marketing techniques to reach your target audience and improve your brand perception. By building exceptionally appealing and functional websites with quality content, we help you to portray your brand in a glowing and authoritative light. We position your site in the channels your target customers frequent, raising your brand’s search engine rankings and attracting more people to you on social media platforms. The more people who know, like, and respect your brand, the greater your chances of increasing conversions – and your bottom line.
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Phone: 954-368-0870